Yes, taking medication can affect your temperature. Interfering factors cause an increase in basal body temperature without ovulation having taken place yet.
Very important: each of us is different and reacts differently to medication. You can recognize a "disturbed" temperature value by the fact that your temperature suddenly rises for a day or two and then drops again.
Common confounding factors that affect the basal body temperature of many women are:
drug consumption
unusual alcohol consumption
sleep that is too short or interrupted
time shift
cold or other illness
If one of those reasons applies to you on a particular day and you notice that the temperature is higher than the temperature values before and after, please select an interfering factor for that day. When you select an interfering factor, the temperature reading for that day is not included in the evaluation of your cycle.
Important: If one of the above reasons applies but there is no effect on your temperature, you do not need to select an interfering factor in the trackle app.